Jaimee Wood
Professional Massage Therapy

Highlights of Massage

Welcome to my blog section! Here I will write a monthly blog around something new in the massage community or I’ll give detailed information on a service I provide.


I have people ask me ALL the time what type of hydrotherapy they should use. Heat or ice? I will go into a little bit about both, by the time you're done reading, you should have a good idea of what will work best for your situation.


What does it do?

Heat therapy opens blood vessels, which will increase blood flow, relax muscles, and will help alleviate pain.

When to use it?

Heat is a great way to help loosen up tight muscles and joints. It is also a good method of pain relief for tension headaches, or other chronic conditions. Always wait 48-72 hours after an injury before considering using heat therapies. When in doubt, use ice!

Safety Tips

  • Treat for no longer than 20 minutes at a time.

  • Do not lay on a hot pack to avoid falling asleep on it and potentially risk burning yourself.

  • NEVER use heat if there is swelling or bruising.

  • Do not apply heat directly to your skin. Always apply with a thin towel wrapped around your heat pack.

  • Do not use if you have poor circulation or if you have diabetes.

  • Wait one hour in between treatments.



What does it do?

Cold therapy slows down the blood flow to an injury which will reduce swelling, inflammation and pain.

When to use it?

Ice should be used immediately after an injury or after activity that aggravates a chronic condition. Ice is good for migraines, bumps, sprains and strains, that may occur with sports, slips & falls or lifting. Cold therapy is also beneficial for minor burns by applying cold faucet water to the affected area. When in doubt, use ICE.

Safety Tips

  • Treat for no longer than 20 minutes at a time.

  • During treatment, check the skin every 5 minutes to ensure there is no damage, such as a freeze burn (skin would become reddened or blistered, just as it would if it were burned with heat).

  • Do not apply ice directly to your skin. Always apply with a thin towel wrapped around the ice pack.

  • Wait one hour in between treatments.